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Marica Phipps-Johnson  is a writer, speaker, and advocate for victims of domestic violence; she offers insights and strategies that help people embrace their inner strength and find peace.

Abstract Lights

Our ability to discover our own power and control is empowering in and of itself! The name Battered Not Broken was placed in my spirit following a near-fatal assault by my ex after trying to leave the relationship. It was that mindset I adopted that kept me determined and in control throughout the long nearly two-year process before he was sentenced to prison.  I realized I may have been battered, but I was far from broken! Battered Not Broken is not only a mindset for the battered, but for any and everyone that had been battered in their spirit from the experiences we face in life from abuse, relationships, death, illness, etc.


Anytime I deliver a speech or facilitate a workshop, it is based on this mindset and empowerment model.   My story only illustrates that it's not about how you get knocked down, but in how you get back up again. Ultimately, we are always in control (even when we are not in control of our circumstances)Pain changes people, and I like to teach people how to embrace the lessons in the pain and find their power! 


Marica Phipps-Johnson

Battered Not Broken, Founder & CEO

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Women who Care Share YWCA 12-5-18 (10).j
Inspirational Keynote Speaker

In addition to domestic abuse, Mrs. Phipps-Johnson discusses her experience with other traumatic experiences that society finds difficult to address; such as loss/grief, depression, and addiction. Woven in the openness of her stories, are many opportunities for education, empowerment, and inspiration; as well as continuous personal and professional development.


As a transformational, empowered speaker, Mrs. Phipps-Johnson motivates her audience to reclaim their power to overcome their circumstances, challenges, and experiences; introducing them to how to transform their limiting beliefs tied to adverse or traumatic events. The delivery style she offers is a mix of vulnerability, passion & wittiness. The level of her transparency and ability to candidly dig down to the core where others are not always willing to venture defines her strength as a speaker.


Mrs. Phipps-Johnson is effectively able to use her experience to connect with others in their experiences and create engagement. This skill creates the ability for participants to become more informed regarding abuse, and it’s hidden red flags. Furthermore, gaining a newfound ability to navigate, identify, and discern unhealthy behaviors in relationships with others…and themselves.


Mrs. Phipps-Johnson inspires individuals to tap into various tools for empowerment, as well as find their voice, and recover a sense of self-identity. Participants in her workshops develop the ability to shift their perspective to find opportunities in all their experiences; creating a positive shift across all

areas of their life from health to career and relationships.


During a TED performance, the audience responded to her call to action, as she received the only standing ovation of the evening, following her inspiring speech.


The level of her transparency in sharing her life lessons after surviving two near-fatal domestic assaults, virtually eight years of abuse, and a tiring two-year judicial process, is fascinating. She courageously ventures to a depth of vulnerability where not many are willing to go; defining her strength and confidence as a speaker.

Marica believes with conviction that Battered Not Broken, is not only about overcoming abuse; it’s a mindset. A mindset for not allowing anyone or any circumstance in life to break us.


She redefines courage and draws out emotions from the audience that leaves them feeling empowered and capable of accomplishing anything and overcoming any type of challenge. Attendees will be sure to walk away with a new perspective.

Intimate Partner Abuse conference at Ohi

The workshops Marica facilitates are used to inspire victims, survivors, as well as those that respond to persons victimized by gender-based violence. They provide an invaluable service by identifying healthy and unhealthy behaviors often found in interpersonal relationships; delivering critical skills and tactics to prevent the victimization and perpetration of interpersonal violence.


The workshops have been and are presently used as a knowledge-based tool to provide specific support to victims and a prevention tool for educators and youth-based programs. On a local level, it's used by law enforcement, courthouses, media outlets, correctional institutions, domestic abuse & rape crisis centers, universities, public schools and programs, and employer associate group programs.


On a national level, Marica has been recognized for her inspiring TED Talk performance, as she delivered a candid and unforgettable speech surrounding the perceptions of domestic abuse. As a result, the interconnected crisis responders, allies, and the public become more informed and intentional in their approaches- making communities safer.


Workshop objectives that participant(s) will be able to do, understand, or gain as a result of the workshop:

  1. Improve the responses to victims of gender-based violence and abuse.

  2. Acquired motivation to recognize the opportunities in our experiences for self-empowerment and strength

  3. Heightened awareness regarding safety and risk factors in relationships and the environment. 

  4. Identify key signs, behaviors, and types of unhealthy relationships and pathological partners.

  5. Develop an ability to distinguish the psychological dynamic of personality disorders and the role they play in dysfunctional relationships.

  6. Increase an awareness of the value and significance of committed self-reflection that's necessary to reach consciousness to break the cycle of repeating relationship patterns.

  7. Develop a more intentional and informed understanding regarding the emotional trauma and needs required to support and advocate for individuals victimized by intimate partner violence.


The outcomes that align with the goals of the program include:

  • Empowerment

  • Reducing Disruptive Disorders & Behaviors

  • Personal Resilience

  • Improved Family-child relationships

  • Reducing Victimization

  • General functioning & Well-being


If you would like to discuss inviting Marica to facilitate a workshop for your organization, school, or place of worship or have further questions, please complete the contact form.


Thank you

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