"Scars To Your Beautiful" is the 3rd music video PSA for The Pixel Project and is dedicated to all the courageous women and girls out there who have faced/are facing gender-based violence in their lives. Thank you Alessia Carra for this beautiful song that can help us carry this message out. - The Pixel Project
I never thought I'd be in a video, but then again I never thought I would be doing a lot of things that I have done these past three years. I wake up every morning and look at my scars in the mirror (and I will for the rest of my life). However, I now realize I had scars long before I ever had my physical ones.
For years, I consistently defended who I was after being told how I needed to change and what I needed to do to be a better woman fit into his mold...when I was already beautiful the way I was. To wake up this morning and be see this video and what it symbolizes, touches my soul. Waking up to see me, and other survivors around the world, as we proudly show our scars...and our survival- is beautiful.❤
I was honored when an organization named The Pixel Project whose mission is to end violence against women, shared my story in their campaign last year; so when I was asked to participate in this video, I gladly accepted.
I sit here in tears listening and seeing the final product, and it's more powerful and touching than I imagined. Thank you to The Pixel Project and Ahmir for their beautiful vocals, for allowing us to show that our scars are beautiful, that WE are beautiful just the way we are...and to remind others they are too!!
CALL TO ACTION: The Pixel Project "Survivor Stories" 2017 is open for submissions!
The submission period for their 4th annual Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project is currently open.They are hoping you can help them spread the word to other survivors of Violence Against Women who may well be looking for a safe and positive platform for telling their story. If you have a story or know someone that does, you can learn more about the project and download their interview sheet here:
You can check out previous interviews (including mine) here:
The current deadline for submission is March 1st 2017.